iPhone and iPad solutions: AppStore submission, UDIDs handling and more

Despite the fact that most iOS apps can be completed in as little as two months, a few specifics must be kept in mind when creating applications for either iPhone, iPad, or iPod.

The UDID, Apple’s unique device identifier, is used across the board to allow apps distribution over the company’s sophisticated cloud platform. Apps are installed either on the devices themselves or on a Mac’s iTunes, and all UDIDs records are kept on the system. But what if your application is not on the AppStore yet and you still need to test it?

Joining the Apple iPhone Developer Program allows members to install any of their applications on any device, even in an early development stage. At just $99 per year, the Apple iPhone Developer Program is the equivalent of purchasing a domain name when building a website. Once you become a member, your app can run and be tested on:

  • All of our Apple devices (HireRussians can provide a number of different iPhone, iPads, and iPods for development and testing)
  • Your personal iPhone, iPad, or iPod
  • Any device owned by your friends, family, or customers

After you’ve become a member of the program, all you need to do is to send us your login information and we’ll take care of the rest. We handle it all, from assembling builds and adding the various UDIDs to creating certificates and submitting to the AppStore, and everything in between.

Apple’s iPhone Developer Program can be accessed right from their official website. If you need more information or support, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Our iOS Development Team expertise:

  • Custom development and design services for all iOS devices
  • Custom iPhone apps
  • Custom iPad apps

Programming languages: Swift, Objective-C

Native iOS Frameworks, Flutter

3rd party solutions for various tasks: Alamofire, Kingfisher, Realm, Texture, Lottie, RxSwift, SnapKit, Charts, PromiseKit, Material, any of them.

Integration with different libraries and services: Twilio, RevenueCat, OpenEars, Mediapipe, Dirak, Chillcat, ffmpeg.

Social networks: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Linkedin, Twitter, Tumblr, Tiktok, Pinterest, etc; and app monetization software: AdMob, Facebook Audience Network, Unity Adds, etc.

Featured projects

  • Fish identification guide app

    WhatFish is a handy fish species guide that any diver would love. High quality photos are complemented by in-depth descriptions and easy-to-use filters, allowing to search by color, shape, social behavior, pattern, etc. The species met along with your own photos and info about the dive: location, time, depth and other comments.

    Technologies: Objective-C, iOS SDK, UIKit, Foundation, MapKit, CoreLocation, Realm, AFNetworking
  • Cartoon-like IM for iPad

    An instant messenger developed specifically for iPad allows to turn everyday casual conversations into fun comic book. With vector multi-layer editor users of YAP Chat can create cartoon-like images, consisting of background, characters with selected emotion and additional elements, such as speech balloons and side annotations.

    Technologies: Objective-C, UIKit, Core Animation, Core Data, AFNetworking, Foundation, Cocoa Touch, CoreTelephony, Facebook API, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web API, Entity Framework, MS SQL Server
  • Community suggestions for a perfect day in SF

    Web platform with a complimentary iOS application helps to plan perfect day in San Francisco. Users can search through community-generated itineraries, filtering them by preferences, create their own itineraries and share plans with friends.

    Technologies: PHP, Symfony, MySQL, JavaScript, jQuery, Objective-C, UIKit, Foundation, Facebook SDK, Google Maps, Foursquare API
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