We Pay You!

Save money on your next project!

We love referrals. In fact, we love them so much that whenever you refer a new client to us, we’ll give you a discount on the cost of your next project. How does it work? Easy: we’ll give you 5% of your referral’s first three monthly payments to HireRussians. This remittance will take the form of a deduction from the cost of your next project.

Non-clients can earn PayPal money from HireRussians!

Here’s the deal: If you just happen to visit our website and you have a client (i.e. a friend, a business colleague or one of your own clients) in mind for our development team, we’ll gladly transfer 3% of that client’s first three monthly payments to your PayPal account.

For more information, please contact our Customer Care group or fill out the form below.

Of course, you can also call us at _ONE-_EIGHT_ZERO_ZERO-_FIVE_TWO_ONE-_FOUR_ZERO_NINE_ONE or email us at info_DOGGyhirerussians.com.

Have a project in mind? Get in touch and let's start talking

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